
À la mémoire de...

Dr. Preston Clark (Bud) Staples

1923 - 2020

C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès de Preston Clark (Bud) Staples décédé paisiblement à l’âge 97 ans le 14 mai 2020 à Knowlton, Qc. Il est né à Cookshire Qc, le 20 février 1923 et était le fils de feu Pearl et de feu William Staples ainsi que frère de feu Roselyn Staples.

Un service en sa mémoire aura lieu à une date ultérieure.

Il a déménagé à Lennoxville lorsqu’il était en 9 ème année, où il a joué au hockey et a hérité de son surnom « Bud ».  Papa a joint les Forces Armée Canadienne le même jour que trois de ses meilleurs amis. Il a été pilote et formateur et à également enseigné la navigation. Durant l’été, il travaillait comme gérant au Club Nautique du Lac Brome, où il fit la connaissance de Lynn Rankin (Marilyn Archibald Rankin), et l’épousa le 7 septembre 1948 en l’Église Unis de Westmount. Il a étudié à l’Université Bishop et McGill pour devenir chirurgien-dentiste.

Papa était un dentiste respecté et aimé autant à Montréal qu’à Knowlton. Il a pratiqué la chirurgie dentaire dans les hôpitaux suivant, Hôp. Général de Montréal, Reine Elizabeth, Hôp. Général pour enfants et Hôpital Brome-Missisquo- Perkins de Cowansville. Il a également enseigné au Collège McGill en dentisterie et a supporté les recherches pour la reconstruction chez les enfants atteint d’une fente palatine (bec de lièvre). Notre père parlait parfaitement français et fut le premier Président bilingue du Club Dentaire de Montréal et membre honoraire à vie. Compagnon de l’American College of Dentists et Président du Collège International en Dentisterie ainsi que Gouverneur de l’Ordre des dentistes du Québec.

Avec plusieurs autres personnes, il a travaillé à établir des soins dentaires pour les enfants et les ainés qui a été instauré par le Parti Québécois. Il a pris sa retraite à 75 ans, notre père était passionné et prenait grand soin de ses patients.

Notre père a toujours été très actif dans sa communauté, autant localement, qu’au niveau provincial et national, incluant ses services comme Rotarien. Il a été Président du Club Rotary de Westmount de 1981 à 1982 et membre honoraire des Compagnons Paul Harris, également Président de la corporation d’établissement pour la construction du Manoir Westmount pour retraité. Il a fondé une clinique dentaire sous le nom de la Fondation Weredale pour garçon. Il faisait partie du comité de la Fondation Weredale, de la Croix rouge, de la Fondation des maladies du Rein, du Club nautique du Lac Brome, du Club de Golf de Knowlton, de la Pêche et des Jeux du Comté de Brome.

Son engagement envers sa communauté continua même à sa retraite, il était bénévole avec Lynn pour La Popote roulante, la Banque Alimentaire et au repas communautaire pour les ainés.

Toujours sportif, il aimait le hockey, le football, le tennis et le golf, mais son sport préféré était le ski qu’il pratiqua toute sa vie et était membre des Patrouilles de ski Canadienne. Passionné de chasse, de jardinage, de camping, grand amateur de plein air, il a transmis son enthousiasme à sa famille et ses amis.

Notre père s’est toujours battu pour la justice et l’égalité de toutes les religions et nationalités. Son engagement était bien au-delà de sa vie personnel et professionnelle, sa patience fit de lui un homme aimé et respecté par sa communauté.

Mais plus important de tout, Bud était un homme chaleureux et dévoué envers sa famille, père humble et affectueux avec ses enfants. Il a eu une longue vie avec notre très chère maman, Lynn Staples, qui est décédée le 28 novembre 2015. Ils sont maintenant « Ensemble au Paradis ».

Nous nous souviendrons toujours de lui avec beaucoup d’affection et d’amour : Sa fille, Patricia Staples (et son fils, Daniel Roberts), ses fils Brian Staples, son épouse Jane Staples, leur fille, Emma Enright (Matt Enright) et leurs enfants, Henry, Arthur, Norah Enright et leur fils Graeme Staples, son épouse Lindsay Staples et leur fils, Coen Staples. Tony Staples, son épouse Liliana Staples, leur fils Dominic Staples. Et la première épouse de Tony (Trudy Chandler-Kinchen) leur fils Morgan Staples, son épouse Karla Gandiaga et leur fille, Aubrey Braglia (Robert Braglia), leur fils Enzo Braglia, ainsi que ses neveux et nièces, Jackie, Peter, Wendy, Jill, Penny et Jay.
Nous aimerions remercier de tout cœur, Barb, Randy, Jody et toute l’équipe du Manoir Lac Brome pour leur dévouement et les bons soins prodigués à Bud et Lynn. Les arrangements ont été confiés au salon funéraire 

Désourdy inc
318, ch. Knowlton
Knowlton (Qc)  J0E 1V
Tél: 450-243-5568  www.desourdy.ca

It is with great sadness that our family announces the passing of Preston Clark (Bud) Staples, who died peacefully in Knowlton, Quebec on May 14, 2020, at the age of 97. He was born in Cookshire, Quebec, on February 20th, 1923. Son of Pearl and William Staples, brother of Roselyn Staples.

A memorial will be held at a later date.

He moved to Lennoxville in the 9th grade, where he played hockey on the Lennoxville team and was known as Bud. Dad joined the Royal Canadian Air Force on the same day with three of his close buddies. He was a pilot, who trained pilots and taught navigation. Working summers as the manager at The Brome Lake Boating Club, he met Lynn Rankin (Marilyn Archibald Rankin) and they were married on September 7th, 1948, in Montreal at the United Church in Westmount. He studied at Bishop’s and McGill Universities to become a doctor of dental surgery.

Dad was a respected and loved dentist in Montreal and Knowlton. He practiced dental surgery and was a staff member of Montreal General Hospital, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Children’s Memorial Hospital, and the Brome Missisquoi Perkins Hospital. He also taught at the McGill School of Dentistry, and supported research into children’s cleft palate reconstruction. Our father spoke fluent French and was the first bilingual President of the Montreal Dental Club and an Honorary Life Member. He was a Fellow of the American College of Dentists, a Fellow and President of the International College of Dentists, and served on the Board of Governors for The Order of Dentists of Quebec. With others, he worked to establish dental care for children and seniors which was introduced by the Parti Québécois and served as an advisor to the Federal Le Dain Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs. Retiring at 75, our father was passionate and caring about his work and patients.

Our father was always active in the community, locally, provincially, and nationally, including his life long service as a Rotarian. He was the President of the Rotary Club of Westmount from 1981-1982, an Honorary Member of the Rotary Club, and a Paul Harris Fellow. He also served as Chairman and President of the corporation established by the Rotary Club of Westmount to develop and build Manoir Westmount, a senior citizens’ residence. Under the auspices of the Rotary Club of Westmount, he established a dental clinic at Weredale Foundation for Boys. He was on the board of Weredale Foundation for Boys, Red Cross, Kidney Foundation, Brome Lake Boating Club, Knowlton Golf Club, Brome County Fish and Game Club.

His commitment to community service continued well beyond his retirement, including his volunteer work with Lynn at the Knowlton Wellness Volunteer Center with Meals on Wheels, the local Food Bank and Senior Luncheons. He was a driving force behind the establishment of the Centre Lac Brome / Knowlton Medical Clinic.

Always a fit athlete, he enjoyed hockey, football, tennis, and golf. One of his favorite family pastimes was skiing. He was on the Canadian Ski Patrol and skied well past his retirement. He was an avid hunter, gardener, camper, and outdoorsman who always took pleasure in sports and nature, and passed on his enthusiasm to family and  friends.

Our father always and quietly fought for justice, inclusion and equality for people from all walks of life, religions, nationalities, and races. This commitment expressed itself within his personal and professional lives, and in every organization he was a part of, changing lives and society for the better in profound ways. His commitment and patience made him a well respected and beloved man in the community.

Most importantly and above all, Bud was a warm and devoted family man, a humble father of unconditional and abiding love. He had a long, loving life with our beloved mother, Lynn Staples, who passed away November 28th, 2015. As they often toasted each other, they are now “Together in Heaven.”

He will be forever and lovingly remembered by:

his daughter, Patricia Staples and her son, Daniel Roberts, his son, Brian Staples married to Jane Staples, their daughter, Emma Enright married to Matt Enright, and their children Henry, Arthur, Norah Enright; and their son, Graeme Staples married to Lindsay Staples, and their son Coen Staples, his son, Tony Staples married to Liliana Staples, their son, Dominic Staples and Tony’s first wife Trudy Chandler-Kinchen, and their son, Morgan Staples married to Karla Gandiaga; and their daughter, Aubrey Braglia married to Robert Braglia, and their son, Enzo Braglia, and his loving nieces and nephews Jackie, Peter, Wendy, Jill, Penny, and Jay.

We wholeheartedly and gratefully thank Barb, Randy, Jody, and team, and the entire dedicated staff at Manoir Lac Brome for their devoted and compassionate care for Bud and Lynn. Arrangements entrusted to

Désourdy funeral home
318, ch. Knowlton
Knowlton (Qc)  J0E 1V0
Tel: 450-243-5568  www.desourdy.ca

Livre d'or

Hommage a votre Papa pour tout les bons services qu'il a rendu a la société. Je vois qu'il a eu un parcours de vie positif et Vous avez raison dans être fiers.

Jean-Claude Gaudreau Farnham

Beau parcours de vie ! Témoignage éloquent livré ici ! Sympathies à toute la famille et amis proches ! D. Dufour Charlevoix

Denis Dufour

So sorry to hear of the passing of your Dad. When I lived in Knowlton all of my children were patients. We volunteered together on several committees through the years. I will always remember his cheery disposition and wanting to make the community a better place to live for everyone.

Aldyne Kerrigan

I was so sorry to hear about the passing of your father. Dr Staples was my family’s dentist where he had his practice in Montreal West. Dentists I would go to after your Dad, would always comment on the longevity of my fillings LOL. One time when I went to have a cavity filled, your Dad gave me a needle to freeze the area. After waiting the appropriate amount of time, Dr. Staples started to work on the tooth. I jumped and said I could feel the drill. Your Dad seemed surprised but prepared another needle. Again we waited and again he started to drill. Once again I jumped and said I could feel it. It seemed the whole batch was no good. Getting a completely new batch, your father was able to freeze my gum. I must have been sixteen then but had been going to him for years before, as did my whole family. My condolences, it is extremely hard to lose one’s parents. I just lost my Dad two months ago at two months shy of being 98. Sincerely, Lynda Trenholme, daughter of Harry Trenholme.

Lynda Trenholme

To the family of doctor Bud Staples. We loved him very very much, he was a wonderful man and a wonderful friend

Doctor Harry & Mrs Dolores Rosen

France and I were so lucky to have known your parents. I remember them skiing with all of you at the Glen. Always a smile that gave any day a brighter ray of hope. They came to France's salon for years and she so dearly adored them. Yes we will miss "Bud" as he always said to call him. R.I.P. our friend.

Peter and France Stone

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