
In memory of...

Dewey Durrell

1942 - 2025

Dewey Durrell était un homme qui prenait soin de sa famille : Kevin, Janet, Nathaniel et Paula. Il laisse derrière lui Marilyn son âme sœur, amie et amante. L’amour et la bienveillance entre eux étaient extraordinaires. Et bien d’autres encore, trop nombreux pour être mentionnés ici, vous savez qui vous êtes, la porte a toujours été ouverte à tout le monde.

Dewey est décédé vendredi 14 février après une longue et courageuse bataille contre une maladie pulmonaire, à l'âge de 83 ans.

Lui et son frère Bruce rêvaient de communauté. Leur rêve est devenu CIDI 99.1. Elle continue de diffuser l’amour et le savoir partout en Estrie. Lui et son frère Wayne jouaient de la musique ensemble dans nos cuisines et nos bars. Ils ont réparé les téléviseurs et diffusé la technologie dans notre communauté. Je pense qu'ils riraient et seraient heureux ensemble, et ils exprimaient toujours leurs émotions. Nous avons tous de bons souvenirs et il y restera.

Selon ses volontés, il n’y aura pas de visites ni de services funéraires.

Les arrangements ont été confiés au Salon Funéraire :
Désourdy Funeral 
101, rue Jean-Besré
Cowansville   J2K 0L3
T: 450-263-1212 www.desourdy.ca

Dewey Durrell was a man that took care of his family: Kevin, Janet, Nathaniel and Paula. He leaves behind Marilyn his soulmate, friend and lover. The love and caring between them was extraordinary. And many more too many to mention here, you know who you are, the door was always open to everyone.

Dewey passed away Friday February the 14th after a long and courageous battle with lung disease at the age of 83.

He and his brother Bruce had a dream about community their dream became CIDI 99.1. It continues to broadcast love and knowledge throughout the Eastern Townships. He and his brother Wayne played music together in our kitchens and bars. They fixed TV's and spread technology through our community. I think they would laugh and be happy together, and they always expressed their emotions. We all have good memories, and he will live on in them.

According to his wishes, there will no visitation and funeral service.

Arrangements entrusted to the
Désourdy Funeral Home
101, rue Jean-Besré
Cowansville   J2K 0L3
T: 450-263-1212 www.desourdy.ca


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Guest book

Our sympathies to Dewey; family. RIP friend

Harold & Joyce Bailey

R.I.P. Dewey. My condolences to the family.

James A. Wilkins

My deepest condolences to Dewey's family for your loss. Wishing you strength and peace in the days ahead. I remember Dewey fondly, may he rest in peace.

Dawn Wozney

My sympathies to the family

Barbara Guilbault

Our condolences to the family.

Debbie & Bill Smith

Sorry for your lost, he was always thinking of others, sending my deepest sympathie to all the family and friends

Marion Parent

Our sympathies to the family. R.I.P. my friend

Peter Stone

Our sympathies to the family, Diane and Gilbert Proulx

Diane and Gilbert Proulx

Our condolences to Dewey's family. We have fond memories of Dewey. May you rest in peace Dewey. Don and Joyce Goyette

Don Goyette.

My deepest sympathies

Carol Whitehead

My deepest sympathy to the family'

Beverley Page.

Nos sincères condoléances à toi Marilyn et ta famille. Jimmy et Myrelle. Beauregard


Our deepest sympathies Rest in Peace Dewey

Chip and Sheila Willette

Thank you Dewey for the good times and laughs we had at the radio together. See youi later my friend.

Scott Edmonston

My Uncle Dewey had a taste for life and was a hard act to follow. In life I've crossed paths with an array of characters but have never been witness to such resilience. Our dearly departed whirlwind of 83 well lived years has always shared a loving experienced smile. I send my prayers and love to my Uncle on this Valentine's Day and my deepest to his devoted loved ones.

Charlotte St. Onge and Donald Westcott

My sincere sympathies to Marilyn and the family. He will be missed.

Annie Labranche

RIP Dewey. Will miss our texting about times past in Knowlton. Our sympathy to all the family.

Bev and Gary Crandall

Mes sympathies à Marilyn et les enfants. Dewey était une personne merveilleuse. Il va tous nous manquer. RIP my dear friend

Lyne Beauregard

Deepest hearfelt condolences to you Marilyn, Nathaniel, Janet, Kevin and Paula! Dewey was a vibrant character and a force! His vision for CIDI was a powerful one, and the community he loved benefits from his courageous efforts.

Deirdre Crandall

Heartfelt sympathy Lois

Lois Hardacker

My deepest condolences to you and your family Nathaniel.

Lisa Nelson

Deepest sympathies to the family, R.I.P. Dewey!

Janet Clough
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